테솔 취업정보

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커뮤니티 테솔 취업정보

*Looking for Gyopo(교포) teachers*

페이지 정보

작성자 서울교대 TESOL 작성일 11-06-09 00:00


★Looking for Gyopo(교포) teachers★

★ There are ONLY 6~7 STUDENTS maximum in each class in Fran’s English.
☎: 02-507-7557 / Cell Phone: 010-9120-3502
Email: dyk_love@hanmail.net

*Gwacheonsi is only 4 stations away from Sadang subway station*

1. Working hours : 3:30 p.m. ~ 8:30 p.m. / Monday thru Friday

2. Salary : 2.2 ~ 2.5 in KRW + severance pay

3. Housing : Not offered

4. Ages taught : elementary schoolers ~ middle schoolers
                (mainly elementary schooelrs)

5. Documents to be submitted : DIPLOMA and RESUME

6.Set curriculum & Teachers manual for each level offered
-very convenient for teachers to manage classes

7.F4 visa holders are welcomed
---Please email your resume to apply for the position---
아래의 사항에 해당되는 선생님을 우대해 드립니다.
1. 학원강의경력 있으신 선생님
2. 영어권국가 교포, 유학,연수경험자 및 영어권국가 장기체류 경험자

*제출서류: 이력서, 졸업증명서(필수)
1.방문접수 2.온라인접수(email 및 본원홈페이지에서 접수신청가능) www.fransenglish.com
1.이력서심사 2.면접

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